Wondering how I test and review products? Tony Reviews Things, established in 2023, is your personal guide for all things product reviews. Over the years, I’ve honed my expertise to bring you recommendations for products and services that I genuinely believe will improve your everyday life. I pledge to always provide honest, independent opinions in every review I conduct.
From the latest smartphones and smart home gadgets to fresh-off-the-press Chromebooks and earbuds, I ensure that I’m the right person to test each product in real-world scenarios. In my review process, every product gets an equal opportunity to impress (or disappoint). This approach applies not just to individual reviews, but also my Buyer’s Guide recommendations. This methodology helps me in recommending the top-tier products perfectly suited to your requirements.

I am never paid for any review. While I receive samples for testing, I staunchly refuse payment for reviews and don’t let any company influence my independence. Any sponsored posts will be clearly marked at the beginning, so you can trust that you’re reading independent content. Every product I review undergoes rigorous testing. I make it a point to use every product as my readers would, in order to provide the best recommendations. Each product gets a full week of hands-on experience before I share my insights.
I am extremely selective in what I choose to review. It’s important to me that I test products that you, my reader, want to see scrutinized. If I choose to review something, it’s because I see its potential value to you. I will always be candid about my feelings towards a product. If it’s bad, you’ll know. If it’s exceptional, you’ll know that too.
But remember, even awful products can have redeeming aspects, and fantastic products can have drawbacks. I’ll make sure to present a balanced view of everything I test. Your feedback is highly appreciated. If you think I’ve missed the mark, or if you have a great suggestion for improving the site, don’t hesitate to reach out. I am always open to your thoughts.

My scoring system ranges from 1 to 5. Here’s a quick rundown:
- 1: Steer clear of these products. They’re not worth your time or money.
- 2: This product has a few redeeming qualities, but it generally doesn’t meet my expectations. It might work for people with very specific needs, but make sure you read my review carefully to understand its limitations before buying.
- 3: Products with this score are solid choices that generally live up to the manufacturer’s claims, and in some areas, they might even exceed expectations. Make sure you read my review to understand why it didn’t score higher.
- 4: Scoring a 4 means the product is a sensible choice for your needs. There might be minor drawbacks that prevent a higher score, but these products are generally reliable and occasionally surpass expectations.
- 5: These products are the cream of the crop. They may not be perfect for everyone, but they consistently amaze me. If a product scores a 5, you should seriously consider investing in it.