Dr. Bombay S’More Vibes Review: A Campfire Classic Churned Up

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Forget boring cookie dough and supermarket swirls! Dr. Bombay’s S’More Vibes is a Snoop Dogg-approved flavor explosion that’ll transport you straight to a West Coast bonfire, minus the burnt marshmallows and sticky fingers. This ain’t your grandma’s ice cream—it’s a vibrant party in a pint, with creamy marshmallow swirls, crunchy graham cracker bites, and enough fudge to make Willy Wonka jealous.

I tried this stuff the other night and was thoroughly impressed! So grab your favorite shades and get ready to dig in, ’cause Dr. Bombay’s about to drop the mic on the ice cream game.

A Symphony of Texture

Smooth as Snoop’s flow, the marshmallow ice cream is a dream. But fear not, texture lovers! Crispy rice bites (a surprise twist I didn’t expect) and crunchy graham cracker swirls keep things interesting. Each spoonful is a delightful symphony of creamy, crunchy, and chewy, like a perfectly toasted s’more gone rogue.

Flavor Breakdown

The marshmallow base is a sweet, nostalgic hug, but not overly artificial. The fudge swirls are rich and decadent, adding a touch of grown-up sophistication to the campfire party. And those graham cracker swirls? Salty, sweet, and oh-so-satisfying, they provide the perfect contrast to the marshmallow sweetness. Honestly, I didn’t even realize there were crispy rice bites until halfway through the pint, but their crunch was a welcome surprise.

Overall Experience: I’ll Take S’More, Please!

Dr. Bombay’s S’More Vibes is more than just ice cream; it’s an experience. It’s a trip back to childhood campouts, a taste of summer bonfires, and a reminder that sometimes the best things in life come wrapped in cheetah print. It’s rich, so savor it, but trust me, you’ll be back for seconds (and thirds).

Dr. Bombay S’More Vibes Review: Final Verdict – 4.5/5 Stars

4.5 out of 5 stars! This pint is a must-try for anyone who loves ice cream, s’mores, or Snoop Dogg (or all three!). The only downside? It’s currently hiding in Walmart freezers, but hey, even Ben & Jerry’s had to start somewhere. So, ditch the cookie dough and grab a scoop of S’More Vibes—you won’t regret it!

Dr Bombay’s will run you about $5 a pint and there are a total of 8 flavors to choose from:

  • Birthday Party
  • Tropical Sherbet Swizzle
  • Cocoa Cream Cookie Dream
  • Bonus Track Brownie
  • Syrupy Waffle Sundaze
  • S’More Vibe
  • Iced Out Orange Cream
  • Rollin’ In The Dough

Again, it’s only available at Walmart, which is kind of a bummer. I know. Hopefully, it expands to more stores soon!

Looking for dinner ideas? Check out this awesome ravioli and meatball bake recipe that’s to die for!

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